Borrowing Procedures
- To checkout a laptop you must be an adult or young adult (12-18) and have a current library card from the Liberal Memorial Library with no outstanding fines of $5.00 or more.
- You must read, understand and sign the Liberal Memorial Library Laptop Use Agreement (Appendix I) at the circulation desk in the presence of a library staff member.
- For young adults, the Laptop Parental Consent Agreement (Appendix J) must be signed by the parent/guardian listed on the child’s library card.
Loan Periods and Use Procedures
- Laptops can be borrowed for in-library use only.
- Laptops can be checked out for 3 hours. Overdue fines are 10 cents/hour. Laptops can be renewed at circulation desk if no one is waiting.
- Only one laptop per person can be checked out at a time.
- Laptops must be returned directly to a staff person at the circulation desk and the user must wait until that laptop has been checked in.
- Laptops must be returned to the circulation desk 15 minutes before closing.
- The laptop user is expected to abide by the Electronic Access Policy.
- Irresponsible use of the laptop may result in the loss of borrower’s privileges.
- All files and downloads will be deleted when your session has completed.
- Do not leave library laptops or accessories unattended or lend them to friends. If you need to use the restroom, bring the laptop to the circulation desk.
- There will be a $700 replacement fee for laptops lost or stolen while checked out to the user. The replacement fee for mice is $10.00 and $60.00 for power cords.
- The user will pay for any damages to the laptop while checked out to him/her. The technology supervisor will assess the damage and decide on the appropriate fee.