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Movie Time: A Dog’s Way Home

Watch “A Dog’s Way Home” with us. When: Thursday, April 11th at 6 pm. Where: In the downstairs activity area We will bring the popcorn and you can bring the soda!

Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Academy

The library has teamed up with Fire Heart Games to help teach you how to play Yu-Gi-Oh!

When:Ā Tuesday, April 16th at 4 pm
Where: In the downstairs activity area

March Book Madness Winners

The results are in! The this year’s March Book Madness winning books are: “The people vs Alex Cross”, “The devil is a part-timer”, and “Dog Man unleashed”. Five people correctly predicted the winners and earned trophies, and twelve people won prizes from… Read More »March Book Madness Winners

Movie Time: A Dog’s Way Home

Watch “A Dog’s Way Home” with us.
When: Thursday, April 11th at 6 pm.
Where: In the downstairs activity area

We will bring the popcorn and you can bring the soda!

Movie Time: Mary Poppins Returns

Come join us for a viewing of Mary Poppins Returns.
When: Saturday, April 6th at 2 pm.
Where: In the downstairs activity area

We will bring the popcorn and you can bring the soda!

Spring Book Sale

Itā€™s Book Sale time once again!Ā The sale will be held April 8thĀ ā€“ 12th during regular library hours.

On Monday at 6 p.m., come in for refreshments and have first pick of the items on sale.

Fairytale & Fables Party

Kids, join us at the Library where we willĀ  listen to old tales and fables, play fun games and make a cool crafts! When: Saturday, March 30 at 1:30 pm Where: In the downstairs activity area

Movie – Ralph breaks the internet

Join us for another fun movie night when we watch “Ralph breaks the internet”. When: Thursday, March 7 at 6 pm Where: In the downstairs activity area Free popcorn! Feel free to bring your own soda.