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Summer Reading, you've been a real page-turner! Unfortunately, all good stories must come to an end, but what a blast we had at our end of Summer Reading party on July 12th!

End of Summer Reading Party 2024

Summer Reading, you’ve been a real page-turner! Unfortunately, all good stories must come to an end, but what a blast we had at our end of Summer Reading party on July 12th!

Richard Renner, Juggler Extraordinaire – Summer Reading 2024

All we needed were peanuts and popcorn to complete the circus atmosphere when Richard Renner, the extraordinary juggler, performed his Circus Arts act at the library on June 27th. Both children and adults had a blast watching his wild antics!

On Tuesday, June 18th, Jennifer Hanson from Smoky Hills PBS came to our library to presentĀ Share A Story ā€œNature Catā€. The kids listened to a story, watched a video, and did a fun craft.

Smoky Hills Share-A-Story Summer Reading 2024

On Tuesday, June 18th, Jennifer Hanson from Smoky Hills PBS came to our library to present Share A Story ā€œNature Catā€. The kids listened to a story, watched a video, and did a fun craft.

Musician Aaron Fowler came to the library with his a trained therapy dog on Thursday, June 20th to present his ā€œThe Adventure Begins Today!ā€ Summer Reading program.

Aaron Fowler – Summer Reading 2024

Musician Aaron Fowler came to the library with his a trained therapy dog on Thursday, June 20th to present his ā€œThe Adventure Begins Today!ā€ Summer Reading program.

Musician Thad Beach

On Tuesday, July 9th at 1pm, discover the wonderful simplicity of childrenā€™s folk music with musician Thad Beach.

Llamas at the Library

Join us Wednesday, July 3rd at 10 am on the library lawn and meet some special guests, llamas! This Summer Reading program will be presented by Christina Abel.

Master Storyteller Jefferson Knapp

On Monday, July 1st at 1pm, join Master Storyteller Jefferson Knapp on the journey of the creation of a fantasy world!