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Coco party image

Coco Party

Watch “Coco” and have fun with face painting, crafts, and snacks. When: Saturday, October 27th at 1:30 Where: In the downstairs activity area

Hocus Pocus Movie Night

Movie – Hocus Pocus

Come enjoy “Hocus Pocus” a fun family film involving a trio of evil witches (played by Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy) back from the 17th century, now in modern day Salem. This year is the movie’s 25th anniversary.… Read More »Movie – Hocus Pocus

Book Sale – Fall 2018

Itā€™s Book Sale time once again!Ā The sale will be held October 23rdĀ ā€“ 26th during regular library hours. Everything will sell for $1.00 each, Tuesday through Thursday, except for paperbacks which will be $0.50 each. Everything thatā€™s left on Friday will… Read More »Book Sale – Fall 2018

Book Sale Reception

Our Book Sale Reception is open to everyone this year. Come in for cookies and punch and have first pick of the items on sale. All items will sell for $1.00 each except for paperpacks, which will be $0.50 each.… Read More »Book Sale Reception

Family Halloween Party

Saturday, October 20th at 1:30, wear yourĀ costume and celebrate Halloween with crafts, games, spooky music, and candy! Seating is limited, signup online.  

Spanish Language Storytime

Thursday, Sept. 27th at 5:30 p.m., join us for a special evening storytime. Listen to stories & songs in Spanish, plus make a fun craft! All ages welcome! Every child gets a free book to take home. Escucha cuentos y… Read More »Spanish Language Storytime

Tolkien Week

Monday, Sept. 17th – Scavenger HuntĀ – We are kicking off Tolkien week with an all day scavenger hunt in the library. Ask the front desk for the scavenger hunt riddle list. Complete the entire list and win a 3D printed… Read More »Tolkien Week